The Danish Dream
Om virksomheden
The Danish Dream is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing insights into Danish culture, lifestyle, and practical information for tourists and expatriates. The website covers a wide array of topics, including cultural aspects such as language, history, traditions, art, and music. For visitors, it offers detailed guides on accommodation, travel tips, top attractions, itineraries, and events. Food enthusiasts can explore sections on Danish cuisine, specialties, restaurants, bakeries, and breweries. Additionally, the site provides valuable information on living in Denmark, covering costs of living, citizenship, residency permits, property, rentals, health, and education. Students and professionals can find guidance on studying and working in Denmark, with articles on universities, programs, student life, grants, job opportunities, work culture, salaries, taxes, and work-life balance. The Danish Dream serves as a valuable guide for anyone interested in understanding and experiencing life in Denmark.
- 1
- 13 ansatte
2 år gammel virksomhed
Statistik fra de senste 12 måneder:
- Unikke elevvisninger: 4
- Unikke elevansøgninger: 2
- CVR-nummer: 33599331
- P-nummer: 1029220650
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Opdateret: 18. nov. 2024
The Danish Dream is an essential guide for expats and visitors exploring Denmark. It offers insights into culture, travel, food, and practicalities like housing, work, and education. Whether you're visiting or settling, the site provides expert advice, helpful tips, and comprehensive resources for navigating life in Denmark with ease.
Statistik fra de senste 12 måneder:
- Unikke elevvisninger: 4
- Unikke elevansøgninger: 2
- CVR-nummer: 33599331
- P-nummer: 1029220650